DANNY FINGEROTH is an accomplished biographer and cultural historian/commentator. His books include Superman on the Couch: What Superheroes Really Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society and Disguised as Clark Kent: Jews, Comics, and the Creation of the Superhero. His acclaimed 2019 biography of Stan Lee, A Marvelous Life, looks at this innovative yet controversial figure—one of the founding figures of Marvel Comics—in the context of the overall culture.
Fingeroth’s most recent book is Jack Ruby: The Many Faces of Oswald’s Assassin (published by Chicago Review Press), in which he takes us through Jack Ruby’s bizarre life of extreme behavior leading up to and beyond the fateful weekend in Dallas in November 1963 when Ruby emerged from a crowd and killed accused JFK-assassin Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV.
Previously, Fingeroth has served as a Group Editor and writer at Marvel Comics (best known for his work on Spider-Man) and other media companies, and has spoken and taught about the intersection of popular culture and history at venues including the Smithsonian Institution, Columbia University, the New York Historical Society, and the Bob Dylan/Switchyard Conference (where he gave his “Dylan and Comics” presentation), as well as on NBC’s Today Show and NPR’s All Things Considered. He has written for publications including The Los Angeles Times, The Baltimore Sun, and The Wall Street Journal and has been interviewed as an historical expert in numerous documentaries. He has also been involved in the curation of numerous popular culture history exhibitions. These include the ongoing Marvel: Universe of Superheroes exhibition which has appeared at venues all over the world, as well as exhibitions at New York’s Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art (focusing on the work of comics giants Will Eisner and Al Jaffee), and at the Capital Jewish Museum in Washington, DC.
Fingeroth serves as a consultant to Will Eisner Studios and the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation, for whom he runs the annual Will Eisner Week worldwide celebrations, helping to preserve the legacy of the pioneering graphic novelist and creator of the iconic Spirit character. He’s also deeply involved with the recent Jewish Comics Experience (JewCE) conventions, which took place in New York. He was the creator and editor of Write Now magazine, published by TwoMorrows, and has created and run hundreds of panels on a wide variety of pop culture topics at conventions, conferences, and universities.
For more: www.dannyfingeroth.com