Rags Morales
Rags Morales-- (Artist, Illustrator)
A veteran of the comic industry, Rags began his career with DC
Comics in 1989 with the TSR licensed book Forgotten Realms. His first superhero
series was "Black Condor." He has since worked on countless titles
for DC, most notably "Identity Crisis". Other notable projects
include: long runs on "JSA," "Hawkman," not to forget
"Batman/Superman," "Nightwing," The New 52 and "First
Wave." Rags has also worked with Valiant, Dark Horse, and Marvel Comics.
From September to May, Rags also teaches at the Joe Kubert School of Cartooning
and Graphic Art. He lives in eastern Pennsylvania. Programming Notes: Rags is
available for programming regarding his career in comics and creating comic
